Healing leaders
Amuse Heel de organisatie Marieke van Voorn

Amuse of the book 'Heel de organisatie'

Preview of the book

Preview of the Dutch leadershipbook: Healing Organizations, restore the self-healing capacity of your organization'. 

  • inheritance of unresolved trauma about existential themes from the previous founder(s) of the organization,
  • trauma caused by mergers and acquisitions, by reorganizations and cutbacks,
  • trauma inflicted by the legacy of leaders with narcissistic or neurotic traits who acted from their personal wound and/or systemblindness.

Reviews from readers

Foto Philippe hoofd

Philippe Bailleur

Philippe Bailleur, experienced guide for organizational transformation & author

Marieke succeeds in further paving the way for people who really want to get to work with organizations. Taking into account the societal challenges that exist and that some "leaders" turn a blind eye to. What is encouraging about Marieke's book is that she sought out leaders - whom she rightly calls healing leaders - who are already walking this path. As a result, impeding arguments like "too idealistic, naive, won't work anyway, ..." melt away like snow in the sun. And perhaps therein lies the greatest satisfaction for an author who dares to pioneer. Thanks for your courage, Marieke. Thanks for putting the spotlight on people who make a difference in the field and adding the necessary concepts and reflections.

Paul Zonneveld

Paul Zonneveld, Organizational Systemic Executive Coach, Author of Emergent

"With this book, Marieke brings a holistic insight into organizations, nourished by her own experiences in health care in particular. Her deep connection to 'source' shows in her work and outlook. Her keen observations force you to ask yourself again the questions about what you see and what you have missed in looking at an organization. You can sense between the lines how her broad and deep self-development in other, adding fields such as shamanism, African and Egyptian antiquity and influences from the East enriches and influences her work. This book will show you layers that you may not have thought about before and thus offers a wonderful addition to the organizational systemic field of work."

Ans Tros

Ans Tros, founder / director of SchoolforCoaching (until 2022), author about ReFlaction

Organizations can be thought of as 'beings' with needs and complex, sometimes sick behavior. It is rare to find a book that makes the connection between the resilience of an organization, its genesis and leadership. With the Resilience Model you learn to recognize and acknowledge traumas, shadows and entanglements in organizations in interaction with your own biography as a leader. Because in order to walk the path of healing, self-regulation, systems thinking and systemic skills form the bedrock. Thus, as a 'healer' you can begin to contribute to healthy, resilient organizations in which intuition and self-reflection are given space. Required reading for every change agent and entrepreneur because it effortlessly connects the conscious and unconscious aspects of the personal and the collective. 

Marieke van Voorn

Marieke van Voorn, guide and healer

I am Marieke van Voorn (1970). In my healing practice for people and organizations I am laying a bridge between visible and invisible worlds. Between rational and irrational processes. After my studies in Sociology and Change-management I gained interest in energetic and systemic working in organizations. 

Healing Leaders KvK 32120438

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